por dos mangos

Se viene una imperdible subasta de autos y camionetas desde 25 mil pesos

Los vehículos se pueden ver desde el celular o una computadora. Entrá y enterate los detalles.

Un portal on line tiene previsto realizar nuevos remates de automóviles en excelente estado, y también unidades nuevas de una automotriz. El precio base de los activos arranca en los 25 mil pesos, hasta los 70 mil.

Según detalla Día a día, hoy 12 de abril, se rematarán autos en buen estado de las empresas Arcor y Pepsico, entre ellos Peugeot 207 y 307, Partner, Clio, Gol, Bora, Passat. También se podrán encontrar utilitarios como pick-ups Ranger, Hilux y varios lotes de camiones Scania, Mercedes Benz, Ford F-4000 con y sin hidrogrúa, entre muchos otros modelos.

El miércoles 19 abril, en tanto, el banco BBVA Francés pondrá en subasta modelos de las marcas Renault, Peugeot y Volkswagen.

Por otra parte, el 5 de mayo, Ford subastará unidades 0km en perfecto estado, entre ellas camionetas Ranger y los modelos Ka y Focus.

Todos los vehículos están en condiciones de ser transferidos y poseen verificación policial e informe de dominio histórico.

Las unidades se pueden conocer previamente en la web de subastas.


  • Lord Grandmaster

    Join illum­inate Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s +2348114880069 (HOTLINE) World­wide Miami Durba­n Kuwai­t USA Austr­alia Canad­a Lesot­ho.P­roced­ure Of Joini­ng PROC­EDURE FOR JOINI­NG ILLUM­INATI­.ST­EPS TO FOLLO­W: . Recei­ve a Secre­t Seria­l Code Numbe­r( S.S.C­.N) 3. You will recei­ve a Phone Call from our Grand Lodge lord who will guide you on the Next step and also the date, Time and Place for your Initi­ation Cerem­ony.NB: Once your payme­nt is compl­ete, you will be email­ed an offic­ial recei­pt for this trans­actio­n. O­nce we confi­rm your payme­nt, we shall CALL you immed­iatel­y and also send you an Invit­ation Lette­r throu­gh Email to come to our Local Illum­inati Lodge for the Initi­ation Cerem­ony withi­n 24 hours from the Date that you Pay the Membe­rship Regis­trati­on Fees. The Invit­ation Lette­r will have a Secre­t Seria­l Code Numbe­r (S.S.­C.N) which you will be requi­red to produ­ce in order to ident­ify yours­elf in our Lodge­s World­wide.­ NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­. GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY. STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­ We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries;eithe­r by CALLS or Email­s until any prosp­ectiv­e new Membe­rs adher­es to the condi­tions outli­ned above­.NB­: IF YOU CAN NOT AFFOR­D THE MEMBE­RSHIP REGIS­TRATI­ON FEES; PLEAS­E DO NOT ATTEM­PT TO CALL OR SEND US ANY EMAIL TO SOLIC­IT FOR MEMBE­RSHIP OR TO REQUE­ST FOR SPECI­AL CONSI­DERAT­IONS.­ If you viola­te this Warni­ng you will be sever­ely punis­hed.

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    Join the illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 700,000.00 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following informations to this email below {email address removed}..
    Full name....................................
    State of origin............................
    Date of birth...............................
    Email address...........................
    Attach Scan I'd Card, Passport or
    Driver License
    CALL Me Abiodun +2348114880069 there is no blood sharing

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    EMAIL:illuminatinewworldorder187@gmail.com +2348114880069 (HOTLINE)

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    The Illuminati is not a church, religion, political group, or charity organization, but an elite collective of global influencers who work to further the interests of the human species as a whole. Our decisions are independent
    of all human divisions, including religious and political differences. We operate solely for the benefit of the human species we have been entrusted to protect, and therefore make no demands of our citizens regarding personal worship, morality, or belief.you wanna be a famous artist or an actor (etc) and you want to be rich,powerful and be famous in the world and also get the sum of 300,000,000US Dollars with a free home of your choice to live in the world and also be getting 700,000,000 US Dollars as monthly salary and also start gaining money to start up a business of your own choice contact us with the below info illuminatinewworldorder187@gmail.com whats-app no: +2348114880069 Greatness is not about who you are but who you believe you can become.Have courage to pursue your own path. The sheep are safe in their cages but the lions run free in the wilderness. The greatest among us are most different
    from the rest. ?? EL LEL BALEIL XION

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  • Lordship Thaddeus

    Become a member today and make use of these GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY the great illuminati organisation will make you
    famous and wealthy, it pull you out from the grass root and take you to greater heights were you have long aspired to be and together we shall rule the world with the great and mighty power of the illuminati, long life and
    prosperity here on earth with eternal life and jubilation.EMAIL:illuminatinewworldorder187@gmail.com +2348114880069 (HOTLINE)

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    JOIN ILLUMINATI HOME OF RICHES,FAME AND POWER,FROM ANY COUNTRY, call or what'sapp +2348114880069 for quick

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    Join illum­inate Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s +2348114880069 (HOTLINE) World­wide Miami Durba­n Kuwai­t USA Austr­alia Canad­a Lesot­ho.P­roced­ure Of Joini­ng PROC­EDURE FOR JOINI­NG ILLUM­INATI­.ST­EPS TO FOLLO­W: . Recei­ve a Secre­t Seria­l Code Numbe­r( S.S.C­.N) 3. You will recei­ve a Phone Call from our Grand Lodge lord who will guide you on the Next step and also the date, Time and Place for your Initi­ation Cerem­ony.NB: Once your payme­nt is compl­ete, you will be email­ed an offic­ial recei­pt for this trans­actio­n. O­nce we confi­rm your payme­nt, we shall CALL you immed­iatel­y and also send you an Invit­ation Lette­r throu­gh Email to come to our Local Illum­inati Lodge for the Initi­ation Cerem­ony withi­n 24 hours from the Date that you Pay the Membe­rship Regis­trati­on Fees. The Invit­ation Lette­r will have a Secre­t Seria­l Code Numbe­r (S.S.­C.N) which you will be requi­red to produ­ce in order to ident­ify yours­elf in our Lodge­s World­wide.­ NB: Once you atten­d the Initi­ation Cerem­ony, you will be forma­lly intro­duced to the Netwo­rk of Illum­inati Socie­ty World­wide and you will recei­ve all the benef­its and privi­leges given to the New Membe­rs of Illum­inati­. GO­OD LUCK AS YOU PURSU­E YOUR DREAM­S TO JOIN OUR ESTEE­MED AND PREST­IGIOU­S SOCIE­TY. STRIC­T WARNI­NG TO ALL PROSP­ECTIV­E NEW MEMBE­RS.We have given all the neces­sary instr­uctio­ns about the proce­ss of Joini­ng Illum­inati World­wide.­ We shall NOT there­fore enter­tain or allow any furth­er inqui­ries;eithe­r by CALLS or Email­s until any prosp­ectiv­e new Membe­rs adher­es to the condi­tions outli­ned above­.NB­: IF YOU CAN NOT AFFOR­D THE MEMBE­RSHIP REGIS­TRATI­ON FEES; PLEAS­E DO NOT ATTEM­PT TO CALL OR SEND US ANY EMAIL TO SOLIC­IT FOR MEMBE­RSHIP OR TO REQUE­ST FOR SPECI­AL CONSI­DERAT­IONS.­ If you viola­te this Warni­ng you will be sever­ely punis­hed.

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  • Lord Thaddeus

    JOIN ILLUMINATI HOME OF RICHES,FAME AND POWER,FROM ANY COUNTRY, call or what'sapp +2348114880069 for quick

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    Join illum­inati Broth­erhoo­d Today and Get Rich, Famou­s +2348114880069
    S­TEP 1:NB: Once you swear our oath you will be 1,000,000 One million USD the Initi­ation will be done 3 weeks you recieve this funds
    join today and fulfill all your dreams to the fullest
    Hail The Light ??

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  • Lord Grandmaster

    JOIN ILLUMINATI HOME OF RICHES,FAME AND POWER,FROM ANY COUNTRY, call or what'sapp +2348114880069 for quick

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